Current Fellows

Single Event Opportunity Hours

It can be challenging to complete all of your necessary hours, which is why this site offers a variety of options to help you meet your requirements. Whether you need to make up hours or want to create your own project, we have the resources and guidance to support you.

Our website provides access to asynchronous service opportunities that can be completed on your own schedule. Additionally, we offer information about upcoming events where you can earn service hours by participating. We also provide guides and resources to help you design and execute your own service project, tailored to your interests and passions.

We believe that volunteering should be accessible to everyone, and our website is designed to make it easy for you to find opportunities that fit your schedule, skills, and interests. Explore our resources and start making a difference today!

Championship Cup

"Who will take home the trophy?" above an image of a trophy surrounded by team names. The teams in clockwise: Red Team, Purple Team, Green Team, Blue Team, Orange Team, Yellow Team

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